Volunteering with Foodsave is both fun and rewarding.

Our volunteers make our services happen. We pride ourselves on creating a welcoming and enjoyable experience for our volunteers. Just see what our volunteers have to say!
“I really enjoy volunteering for Foodsave as I feel like I’ve made an impact on someone’s day.”
“I love seeing how grateful people are when they see their boxes filled with food. That makes it worthwhile for me.” – Jay, Lead Volunteer in Honiton
“It’s a great service that we offer and it is so much appreciated by everyone.” – Wendy, Lead Volunteer in Beer
“Knowing 98% of the people that use Foodsave Beer, I can very much confirm what the locals think. Not only are we helping our environment but I feel we are also providing a social link.”
“Proud to be a part of the team!” – Bev, Volunteer in Beer
“I’m finally able to ‘give back’ to the village that’s helped and supported me following my accident. Most people are not aware of what I do, but I know.”- Sarah, Volunteer Driver in Beer
“My favourite part of being involved in Foodsave has to be making a difference to the environment and community.”
“I’ve met some lovely people, seen team work at its best, and had a positive experience of being a volunteer!” – Michelle, Lead Volunteer in Honiton
“Being part of Foodsave enables me to enjoy the camaraderie of belonging to a team of helpers who all have the same objective: to save the dreadful waste of good food, and by doing so making a difference, if only small, to a lot of lives.” – Beryl – Volunteer in Beer
“None of us quite knew what we had got into by saying we would ‘help’ with a new venture to save good food from landfill. In return, besides redirecting perfectly good food to be used, we have got to know a whole new disparate group of people who have bonded together, as well as all our service users.”
“What’s not to like?” – Ruth, Lead Volunteer in Beer
“Not only are we saving perfectly good food from going into landfill, but for many who come along, it’s quite a social event.”
“It’s lovely to see them all chatting away outside whilst they’re waiting to come in!” – Karen, Volunteer in Beer
Start your volunteering journey with us today by filling out the form below! We will be in touch soon with the outcome of your application.